Angeline Murimirwa shares her top 6 publications in honor of International Day of Education
The theme for this year’s International Day of Education is “Changing Course, Transforming Education.” We are honoured to have Angeline Murimirwa, Executive Director of Campaign for Female Education (CAMFED Africa) share her top 6 recommendations in line with the theme.
Angeline was one of the first young women to receive support from CAMFED to go to secondary school before working her way up to Executive Director of the organisation. In 2017, she was recognized as one of the 100 most influential women by the BBC, and in 2020, Angeline and CAMFED CEO Lucy Lake were awarded the Yidan Prize for their contribution to female education.
Angeline tweets @AngieMurimirwa
Scroll to enjoy her recommendations!
Guidance for developing gender-responsive education sector plans
By Global Partnership for Education (GPE), UN Girls' Education Initiative (UNGEI) and UNICEF
The report provides guidelines on developing gender-responsive education sector plans and tools needed for a fresh perspective on gender equality and why it matters in education.
The guidelines are intended for use alongside the GPE/UNESCO/World Bank/UNICEF Education Sector Analysis Methodological Guidelines and the GPE-IIEP Education Sector Plan Preparation and Education Sector Plan Appraisal Guidelines, providing additional opportunities for readers to i) identify critical gender disparities and the factors contributing to them; ii) analyze and interpret gender disparities, channeling insights into the education sector plan consultative process; and iii) evaluate the extent to which gender equality issues are under- stood and addressed in the education sector plan.
Accounting to the girl: Working Towards a Standard for Governance in the International Development Sector
By Linklaters and CAMFED
The publication is a culmination of a study of CAMFED’s governance model to deliver girls’ education in impoverished rural communities in sub- Saharan Africa.
The report found that the CAMFED model works for two reasons:
1.The model allows CAMFED to remain accountable to the girls it serves.
2.CAMFED’s governance model which is rooted in community requires CAMFED to establish good governance in rural communities through the implementation of various social assistance programs. The programs succeed because CAMFED gives communities the power and responsibility to run the programs.
Aligning Aid for Education with National Systems: Supporting System Transformation and Better Education Outcomes
The publication outlines the benefits of aligning AID for education with national systems. It also gives an overview of types of alignment and progress toward alignment and it concludes that delaying the transition to more effective aligned aid in partner countries will limit the opportunities for accelerated gains in equity, and learning in the years to come and therefore is not an option. To be successful, this aligned approach to development cooperation requires sound methods informed by the unique country context, a well- structured dialogue between governments and development partners and the ability to learn and adjust. GPE 2025 and its new operating model supports improvements in effective development cooperation for education through more and better alignment of aid with national systems.
Women and Leadership: Lessons from some of the world’s most powerful women
By Julia Gillard and Ngozi Okonjo Iweala
This publication is based on conversations with some of the world’s most powerful women including Jacinda Ardern, Hillary Clinton, Christine Lagarde, Michelle Bachelet and Theresa May exploring gender bias and asking why there aren’t more women in leadership roles.
The women speak candidly about having their ideas stolen by male colleagues, what it’s like to be degraded and insulted in the media, and the things they wish they had done differently. Their stories reveal how gender and sexism affect perceptions of women as leaders, the trajectories of their leaderships, and the circumstances in which they come to an end.
Compendium of Legal Instruments, Policies and Frameworks Pertaining to Girls and Women’s Education in Africa
By The African Union International Centre for Girls and Women’s Education (AU-CIEFFA)
The report is a compilation of a list of regional and international legal frameworks for the rights of girls and women to education as a step towards addressing the hurdles that girls must overcome in many contexts in order to equally enjoy their human rights to, within and through education.
The compendium is intended to serve as a reference point for governments and human rights defenders in their efforts towards ensuring realisation of girls’ fundamental rights and freedoms to safeguard them against violations.
The Impact of war on Children
By Graça Machel
The book documents the Impact of Armed Conflict on Children including the millions of children who have been killed, injured and permanently disabled as a result of armed conflicts.
The report and its ten point call for urgent action recommend strategies to protect children from the catastrophic conditions to which they continue to be exposed including a call to implement and monitor international humanitarian and human rights standards, to prevent the sexual exploitation and gender violence against children and women; to demobilise all children under the age of 18 from militaries and all armed groups; to end the scourge of landmines; and to ensure that children’s health, nutrition, psycho-social well being and education are the pillars of all humanitarian assistance policy and programmes.